Saturday, August 1, 2009

Dangers of Virtues Higher than 3

Exalted 2nd Edition Core Rule Book – P. 102

A high Virtue score signifies passionate commitment to certain emotions and behaviors. A character with high rating in a Virtue can find himself unable to resist following his heart, even when doing so is unwise.

A character with a Virtue of 3 or higher must roll her Virtue rating in a situation where she wishes to act against the Virtue’s dictates. Any successes on the roll compels her to either adhere to her Virtue or spend a point of temporary Willpower to override her emotions and act freely for the scene. A Solar Exalt who suppresses his primary Virtue (associated with her Virtue Flaw) automatically add a point to his Limit. Suppressing other Virtues does not add to the Exalt’s Limit.

Example: Elias’s primary Virtue is Compassion, with a rating of 3. He’s trying to infiltrate the Realm when he sees an old woman being shoved and manhandled by two city guards. The Storyteller asks Phyllis, Elias’s player, for his reaction, and she states Elias will simply look away and keep walking. The Storyteller informs her that this denies Elias’s Compassion and that she must make a Compassion roll for him not to intervene. Phyllis rolls a 1, a 3 and a 10—two successes. The Storyteller says Elias must do something unless Phyllis spends a point of temporary Willpower. Phyllis grits her teeth, marks off a point of temporary Willpower and increases Elias’ Limit by one.

Rule Changes

I am changing the rule so that the character can roll a contested roll with the balancing virtue. If the Balancing virtue has higher number of successes than the Virtue in question then the character must act as the balancing virtue dictates.

If they both have the same number of successes the character may take the balancing route.

This override does not gain limit point since it is not a forceful override of one’s nature. It is also optional the character can simply chose to indulge his strong passions and act out recklessly instead of taking his inner voice into consideration.

Regardless of which Virtue won, the character can spent 1 Willpower point to override it. Doing so gains limit accordingly to standard rules – even if the Balancing Virtue won and is not the Primary Virtue.


For reference here are some of the Examples given by the Core Rule Book


Compassion Aids in: Protecting or aiding the sick, innocent or oppressed. Fighting for justice. Bringing aid to the needy. Fighting for or engaging in romantic love.

Characters Must Fail a Compassion Check to: Slay a defeated foe. Ignore the pleas of the oppressed or impoverished. Ignore the powerful abusing the helpless. Publicly humiliate a friend or lover.


Conviction Aids in: Withstanding hardship and torture. Making decisions where all options are horrific. Committing atrocities to accomplish a goal. Regaining Willpower.

Characters Must Fail a Conviction Check to: Abandon a committed cause. Give up in the face of hardship or disease. Abandon companions in their time of need.


Temperance Aids in: Resisting temptation. Holding your temper when taunted or struck. Holding your tongue when intoxicated. Overcoming the effects of illusions, drugs, poisons and mind control.

Characters Must Fail a Temperance Roll to: Act dishonestly or show bias in a matter of importance. Overindulge in food or intoxicants. Act on thoughtless impulse. Break a sworn oath.


Valor Aids in: Heroism in battle. Withstanding magically created terror. Performing feats of daring and taking risks.

Characters Must Fail a Valor Roll to: Turn down a duel of honor or a call to single combat. Flee a battle. Receive an insult without seeking retribution. Turn down a dare or challenge.

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