Character Specific Rulings
- Benefits of a Circle
- Character Generation: Unwanted Dots
- Charm Activation and Patterning
- Epithets
- Getting Rid of Specialties
- Hardness and Touch Attacks
- Naval Combat Ability Ceiling
- Secret Achievements and Epithets
- Armor Soak and Hardness Changes
- Charm: Hauberk-Lightening Gesture
- Dangers of Virtues Higher than 3
- Defensive Charm Updates
- Eclipse Oath and Objective Truth
- Exp and Training Time
- Four Flaws of Invulnerability, The
- Ghost Stats Correction
- Graceful Crane Style and Feather-Foot Style
- Intimacy vs. Motivation
- Mass Combat: Issue of "Might"
- Minimum Attack Speed
- Rebalanced Charm: Arrow Storm Technique
- Stunts: Essence Regain
- Thaumaturgy/Prayer: Greeting the Sun
- Zenith Anima Power Fix
- Zero and Negative Dice Pools and Success Adders
- Abyssals and Solar Charm Trading
- Beam-klaves
- Capped by Ability
- Charm: Hauberk-Lightening Gesture
- Charm: Whirlwind Armor-Donning Prana
- Difference between Prayer, Prayer and Prayer
- Dual-Wield
- Exalted Types and General Charms
- Half-Caste and Exaltation
- Half-Lunar Shape-changers
- Mass Combat Summary
- Mass Combat: Heroes, Sorcerers and Relays
- Night Caste Anima Clarification
- Overlapping Specialties
- Principle of Motion and Extra Attack Charms
- Stunts: and Perfection
- Which ability for Artillery?
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