Thursday, July 30, 2009

Biggs Darklighter Mnemon and Wedge Antilles Tepet

It seems Biggs and Wedge has been used already.  Found them under the Wyld Hunt entry.

Biggs Darklighter Mnemon – Death at the hands of the Deceiver Anathema Nuri on Day 13 of Descending Wood, in Year 6 of the Fiery Ascend (Day 25,406) – 59/12/23, as witnessed by Prominent Willow, a Dryad in Serenity Valley.

Wedge Antilles Tepet - Death at the hands of the Forsaken Anathema Balan on Day 12 of Descending Wood, in Year 6 of the Fiery Ascend (Day 25,406) – 59/12/23, as witnessed by Prominent Willow, a Dryad in Serenity Valley.


Here are the pictures of the Neo-Rathessians costumes.  Ignore the people wearing the cloth and focus on the fashion.

Rathessian Acolyte

Rathessian Priest

Rathessian High-Priest

Rathessian Adeptus Astartes


The Rathessian Theater Badge (Artifact •)
Items - Rathess Theater Badge, The 

The Rathess Theater badge is given to all Astartes who have made the required pilgrimage to the Holy City. It is a badge of orichalcum and crystal suspended via a thick gold chain. The crystal face of the badge is a Dragon-Kings Crystal Book containing the holy scripture of the Unconquered Sun.

Aside from signifying the great honor and achievement for the bearer each badge is paws crafted by the Mice of the Sun and Blessed by Arch-Priestess Hastha-sth personally. It perfect construction and holy origin allows it to function as perpetual walk-away and forms an extremely potent ward against all creatures of darkness. The ward is equivalent to a 3 die ward, including all its bonuses and penalties.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Added to

In case you guys want the Rapid Share Link: Link

It is under “RPG - Exalted Past” Project Folder, and “Tools” Sub-folder.

This version added the Statistic tracking ability.  Now all die rolls rolled from WW Character Page will be kept track off.

It keeps track of total rolls, number of successes achieved, and how often each number is rolled (1-10).

Character files have also been updated to save the data.  In effect each character’s “Rate of Success” is kept track of separately.  So be-sure to save the character after each session to ensure the data is accurate.

To look at the stats just use the new “About” Dialogue.  The button is added to the Tool Strip on top.  It is the Windows Information Icon (Blue Circle with an “!” in the center).

The ComboBox let you select which stats you want to see.

The Clear Button Clear the Currently Selected Data, Resetting it to 0. 

Incase you guys missed it, I added the “Math:” keyword in  The “Temp Holder” tab has the text box that is effectively an calculator.  All you have to do is type in a math expression.

More information can be found on the Post

The Rar file contains the Exalted Template that uses the new Math: keyword if you guys want to see an example of how it is used.  Just look in “Personal” and “Peripheral Essence Pool”.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Added the new version to both Office Workspace and Rapidshare.

Added the new “Math: “ Keyword for Specialties which allows parsing of math expressions.

You will need the 2 dll that is included in the rar.

The way the “Math:” keyword work is

In the Temp Holder Page, when you load a character, will be a list of Value Entries on the character sheet.

Clicking on the list will add it to the text box on top in the form of


It adds to where the cursor is.

You can use it to form the math expression then you can copy the whole line, including the “Math: “ Part, and paste it in a specialty slot in the skill entries.

It is still a bit clunky and prone to errors, but it should make you guys life a little easier.


Uploaded the new Dicer to the Tools Folder of the Office Space and also uploaded it to RapidShare
MD5: 9D753A29FA3F76A5F9D88369F4AD8A20


The only thing I added (from is a Calculator Function at the “Temp Holder” Tab of the program.

Haven’t decided on if I want to revamp the whole character sheet to use Evaluated Math Expressions instead of the clunky Func Format I am currently using yet.  We’ll see.

If I decide to do it that way the character sheets will most likely be redone. 

It will let you directly enter math formulas with Variables (probably enclosed in special characters, like “variable name” or @variable name@).  This would solve the annoying limitation on DV calculation and Essence calculation of the current program.

Personal Essence: @Essence Stat@ * 5 + @Virtue: Compassion@ + @Virtue: Conviction@ + @Willpower@ * 2

Which is far more versatile, but it will take up a lot of time.  So I probably won’t bother.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Emem Adjoa

Prounced: E-mem Ad-joa

Emem Adjoa is Queen Azula’s Second in Command and the current leader of the Brides of Ahlat. She took over Azula’s old position when she was wed to Balan.


Emem Adjoa is a Wood Aspect Dragon-Blooded in her late 20s. As an native of Harborhead Emem Adjoa can trace her lineage to over 20 generations of Warriors.

Emem Adjoa’s is born from an love affair between her mother and an young realm officer and was Exalted when she turned 14. Her father tried to claim her but she was already marked for the Bull God. The Horned Priest of the Bull God claimed her immediately after her Second Breath and anointed her into the harsh and ruthless life as a Chosen Bride of Ahlat.

While she stricken from all normal bonds of kin Emem Adjoa found kinship of spirit amongst her sisters. Even when some would consider it a tragedy to be separated from her family at such an young age she thought it the greatest honor she could ever receive.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Aftermath of Chiaroscuro

Before the Battle of the Veldt of Fire and Grief Chiaroscuro had a population of around 1,000,000 residents and around another 100,000 to 200,000 visitors/trade caravans in any given season.

The Battle of the Veldt of Fire and Grief

The Battle that took place on the Veldt of Fire and Grief eradicated roughly 50,000 of Chiaroscuro's finest.  Including a sizable chunk of their nobility.  The battle took place  about a month after player’s departure from Harborhead and was handled by Bride of Ahlat.

Armed with their new weapons the 5000 Brides and about 2000 Varangian Irregulars managed to completely eradicate an Calvary army 10x their number.  They somehow achieved completely strategic surprise and armed with the newly imported Perfected Boots the Brides slaughtered the straddlers.

By the time the Sun reach the Zenith it was over.  It took only about 3 hours to slaughter 50,000 men and horses.  Only ~4000 Delzahn riders survived and retreated to Chiaroscuro where they meet Dance and the Royal Company waiting.  Those who surrendered were taken as slaves those who did not were allowed the option of turning over their weapons and mounts and be exiled, or be executed.  Many chose the later.

As per the rights and laws of Harborhead, the properties and families of the 50,000 who died in combat were claimed by the Brides of Ahlat.  The 2000 Varangian Irregulars were mainly wiped out and those who survived were handsomely rewarded with lands from those who deserted Chiaroscuro.

The Veldt of Fire and Grief is now Creation’s newest Shadowland, only 30 miles across but growly slowly.

The Conquest of Chiaroscuro

Respecting the bravery and honor of men who would chose death rather than submission Dace allowed the City 2 days (before the arrival of Azula) to surrender.  Those who remain and fight will be given very little leniency.

Hardened by the complete support of the Realm Legion the Tri-khan reorganized his army to defend Chiaroscuro to the death.  He however loves his people and commanded those who are not involved in the war effort to vacate the city. 

What followed is 3 days of madness as those who can get out to get out.  The rich fled from Chiaroscuro onboard sea routes like rats.  The poor escaped from the Sewers and at night.  Of these Dance gave them no trouble.  By Sunrise of the 4th day, only 450,000 people remained.  The 40,000 Delzahn Riders are supported by 50,000 Garrison troops and another 60,000 citizen volunteers stood before one of the Finest Solar General of the 3rd Age and his 40,000 troops. 

In the center of the Chiaroscuro Formation is the Dragon-Blood lead Garrison of the Realm – 5,000 strong, who is probably equal in military power to all the rest of Chiaroscuro combined.

Following the old customs Dance called for a battle of champions and beaten each in turn.  Unfortunately the Chiaroscuroian troops were not shaken by his display of skill and only a small number deserted.

The battle was joint.

Dance’s personal guard with Panther acting as Hero drove straight through the Chiaroscuro formation and engaged the Realm Legion while the First Commandery under the Command of the Rathessian Astartes Ochieng Chiumbo and the 4th Commandery under the personal command of Nsonowa Farai, Harborhead General of the West, engaged the flank.

Dance crushed the Realm Legions and killed all the Dragon-Blooded commanders in single combat.

Ochieng Chiumbo broke through the flanks until he met with a Lunar and was soundly defeated.  He was rescued by Dance and Panther and the Lunar cut a swath of blood and gore as he/she/it escaped into the City.  Needing to stay with the Troops Dance and Panther did not gave chase.

Nsonowa Farai captured the Tri-khan and gave him the warrior’s way out.  He claimed the Properties and families of the Tri-khan and presented the Sword of Chiaroscuro and the Tri-khan palace as gift to the Leopard Seat.

Present Day Chiaroscuro

Chiaroscuro is a Ghost city now. 

  • The entire dock district has been turned into an massive slave pen.  Over 240,000 slaves were claimed by the Brides of Ahlat, and the conquer of Chiaroscuro gained another 100,000 slaves.
  • Daily rides of the Harborhead Garison takes in 1,000s of slaves from neighboring communities bring in enormous wealth and resources to Harborhead.
  • ~147,000 Delzahn and their supporter died in the entire campaign. ~47,000 died in the Veldt, another 60,000 died in the defense of Chiaroscuro, the rest due to disease and wounds after.  Morticians were paid handsomely to ensure they do not raise as hostile ghosts.
  • ~30,000 died in the slave pens awaiting transport to their final sales point.  The guild is making massive purchases and the price is accordingly low due to oversupply.  Currently Harborheadians are trading Slaves directly for foodstuffs in anticipation of the famine soon to come.
  • ~400,000 or so Chiaroscuro citizens escaped into the rest of Creation.  Majority of them are women and children of the brave who stood against the might of an Solar.  They formed individual caravans headed to Lap and Paragon.  The track is perilous as bandits and desperate folks prey upon them, and their exodus is know as The Hegira.
  • ~100,000 Chiaroscaroian Drifters now roam the wilderness around Chiaroscuro slowly being weeded out by the Harborhead patrols.  These are the poor who have no means of escape and too loyal to submit to the bloody conquerors of their beloved city.  Panther was making good progress towards integrating them into Chiaroscuro till the newly created Harborhead nobility arrived.
  • ~20,000 Harborheadian along with their families and staff (so total around 200,000) have arrived in the city.  To these new elites the blue pearl of the South is their to rape and pillage – both figuratively and descriptively.
  • Only about ~80,000 original Chiaroscaroian Citizens remain in the city.  These are oppressed harshly by Harborheadians for being both cowards and betrayers.  Unfortunately the law prohibits them from being taken as slaves, but it doesn’t protect their life against the anger of an Harborhead Soldier.  However, measures are being taken by the Guild to preserve those who are of use and they are being convinced to work for the guild for the enormous protection such associations would bring.
  • ~100,000 newcomers are camped outside the City as Nobles divide up the districts and land holdings between themselves – as per the “divine law of Ahlat.”  These peasants are the poor who came from Varangian City-States and the surrounding nations hopes for a new beginning.  They live in make shift shelters plagued with lawlessness and disease hoping for they day that they will be allowed to enter the city and claim a dwelling amongst the fable city of blue glass.

Clarification: Hauberk-Lightening Gesture

Hauberk-Lightening Gesture Charm is also not an instantaneous action.  In the Charm description it has a speed value of 3.  Meaning the Action to cast the Charm takes 3 ticks to perform.

It is also obvious and being a duration charm has a commitment cost equal to the casting cost.

So Balan normally have 1 mote committed for this Charm.  If he un-commit the Essence, for whatever reason, the armor drops next to him from Elsewhere.  This is different than Ending the Charm.

When he Ends the Charm he can then start to put the armor on from Elsewhere and the armor will appear directly on to him as he uses Armor Donning Actions.

Since the Charm is already ended he is free to use another charm – such as Whirlwind Armor-Donning Prana to put it on.

If he interrupts the Armor Donning Process it act as if the essence is un-committed directly and the left over armor pieces drops next to him.

My Modification

I modified the Charm because I didn’t like the way it works.  Now the difference is when the Charm is Ended, the Armor instantly reappears fully donned.  Meaning there is no lost in time.  The action over is still 3 seconds, and the armor appears at the end of 3 seconds, not before.  This is incase there are attacks in progress, this also prevents ending the Charm to be used as a semi-soak charm use.

This however brings into one more conflict.  I moved the armor donning time from the End of the Charm to beginning of the Charm.  So that you will have to take the same amount of time to take off the armor so you can put it in elsewhere with the spell.  The armor must be freshly worn so you can’t just default cast the charm on a suit of armor sitting around.  The armor has to be freshly taken off. 

This doesn’t change what happened last week, but I just want to make sure we are all on the same page.

Player’s Decision

It is up to you guys if you want to use the In Book Charm, or My modification.  Either is fine with me.

Clarification: Whirlwind Armor-Donning Prana

Each invocation of Whirlwind Armor-Donning Prana turns an miscellaneous action into 1 minute worth of putting armor on. This is not 1 tick = 1 minute.

So in the case of Last Week’s Session, Balan performed 4 miscellaneous actions, thus it is a total or 20 ticks/seconds not 4 seconds.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Added Some New Pictures

Sunken Luthe – One of the 6 Lost Wonders of Creation




Adamant Sadness’ Anima


Mist of Bloody Passage – Adamant Sadness’ Bonestrider


Loathsome Osseous Shell – Necromantic Gunzusho Armor


Friday, July 3, 2009


Uploaded Dicer to the Workspace.

  • Fixed the automatic caculation of Magnitude based on Troop Number and Health Level.  It now caculates correctly when you change any of the variables.
  • Automatic import health level and dexterity to the Speed calculation in the Exalted Tools section from currently loaded character.