Sunday, January 18, 2009

Ocean Pearl

Age: 26
Nationality: Small town near The Lap (South)
Race: Solar, Zenith Caste
Profession: Robinhood of the Seas
Motivation: Further the cause of Righteousness in the World

Portrait - Ocean Pearl

Ocean Pearl, despite being weathered and bronzed by her love of the Sun and Ocean and tempered by battle is still a woman who can turn any man’s head. Her name is true to her nature and she knew she was born to the sea from the time she could swim.

When she was just a child she ran away from the orphanage with little more than the clothes on her back. She went to a small seaport town and sought commission on board a ship as a cabin girl. She sailed with a kind old sea captain on the Western Ocean who taught her the secrets of the stars and imparted to some of his years of experience. Sadly they encountered the Yozi pirate Blackheart, the Man with No Shadow. The ship was captured and crew enslaved or slaughtered. She was to be given as prize to Blackheart’s Yozi masters. Blackheart may have had no heart and no shadow, but he was a man in every other way, and Ocean Pearl was able to seduce him. Thus she became the lover of a man with no heart and became a pirate as well.

She may have only been Blackheart’s mistress, but she gained a measure of power on board his ship and something resembling his trust as well. She won the admiration and respect of the crew, in part due to her ability to sometimes mollify Blackheart’s anger. Despite the proven invincibility of the captain, Ocean Pearl was driven to attempt the impossible. She knew which members of the crew to talk to. Once she gathered a cadre of trustworthy allies, she coaxed the secret of his power out of Blackheart. Now was the time for justice. As Ocean Pearl prepared to free the world of Blackheart, the Unconquered Sun freed her from her own bondage. Bathed in the golden light of the Sun, her sword became divine. She cut her way through Blackheart’s demon servants and finally dispatched the Captain himself. Since then, she has sailed the seas of Creation righting injustices and punishing the oppressors such as the Realm, the Guilds and the Linthas with fire and steel.

She is not just a simple pirate however. She is a rebel against oppression and injustice so rampant in the world. She works against the established order in the hopes of opening the eyes of the people to a different way – a future where all are guided by the divine will of the Unconquered Sun. She hopes to help forge a new world where pursue of happiness and expectation of fair justice is guaranteed to all mankind and not just those born to power. She resents most the exploitation of the weak by the strong and fights with unwavering determination against those who commit such sins. Ocean Pearl makes little distinction to one’s divinity because to her the worth of a person comes from the righteousness of their choices and not the power they possess. She prefers the company of her crew to most gods and exalts, including those of her Solar brothers and sisters. She is the sworn enemy of Moray Darktide and has learned the hard way that not all the Chosen of the Sun further the cause of Righteousness.

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