Monday, December 20, 2010

Night Caste Anima Clarification

Here are some clarifications so we are all on the same page in regards to Night Caste Anima Powers

  1. It allows Motes spent on charms to not add to anima banner.  Except those by sorcery.
    1. When the Charm is normal it only cost 1 extra mote to not have it add to Anima Banner
    2. When the Charm is Obvious it cost double to have it not add to anima banner.
    3. It does not make an obvious charm not obvious.  It just stops it from adding to anima banner and nothing else.  So it pretty much just turns peripheral essence into personal essence (and thus there is no point using it if you are using personal essence already.)
  2. When Iconic it makes the character unidentifiable
    1. Think of it as if the character is donning a super hero costume.  When Batman puts on his suit no one knows he is Bruce Wayne.  But anyone who see him putting on knows it is Bruce Wayne.  Anyone seeing a person wearing the Bat Suit (anima banner) again knows it is Batman again.  There is nothing supernatural about it.  It is just a matter of the animal obscuring the character’s appearances.  Making him non-identifiable on physical appearance alone.
    2. This only prevents identification by physical features.  It does nothing to hearing, smell, or texture.  Thus it is of little effect on Blind people.  The anima does not cover up smell or voice (aside from the muffling, see below) to any significant degree as to make detection thus impossible.
  3. When Iconic it adds half the essence of the Solar (rounded up) to tracking attempts
    1. Keep in mind this is an Anima Power.  Which means when this happens you are subjected to the Stealth is Impossible Rule of Anima Banner.  Thus it only affects people who are tracking you (without direct visual contact).  A person who can just follow the giant glowing source of light has no difficulty modifier.  It is only applicable when they lose sight of you and must track you by things you leave behind.

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