Thursday, May 26, 2011

Wonders of the World


These are amazing Creations that are repairable/recreatable but are otherwise Singular Existences.  Usually less powerful than World Wonders but not always. 

  • Eye of Autocathon, The
    • Plot Device
  • Gem of Immortality, The
    • Grants Immortality
  • Gem of Incomparable Wellness, The
    • Regenerates from Ash, Immortal
  • Rathess
  • Victory over Primordials Mandra, The
    • Grants the right to bind Demons into service


World Wonders

These are truly unique things in Creation that are singular creations that cannot be remade

Great Curse, The (World Wonder)


Unique Faction Power: The Member of the Faction is now subject to limit breaks and will ultimately destroy themselves as reparation for their unspeaking Crime against the Primordials/Neverborns.

Imperial Manse, The (World Wonder)

The Imperial Manse is one of the most powerful weapon of Mass Destruction accessible to the Exalted. 

It is a World Wonder

Unique Power: Allow the targeting and use of the Sword of Creation Defense Network

Unique Factional Power: Grants automatic success on any intimidation attempts when used, sincerely, as a threat against anyone who is familiar with the legend of the Imperial Manse.

Solar Deliberative, The (World Wonder)

The Solar Deliberative is one of the Wonders of the World

Unique Power: All who are within the deliberative can resist mental influence with no loss of Willpower.  This affects even mental influences (natural or otherwise) that normally does not allow resistance.

This means that no one can affect you mentally unless you personally agree with it.