Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Exalted Types and Their General Charms

All maxes, unless specifically noted are for starting out characters – in other words Essence 1-5.


  • Dice Cap are (Ability + Applicable Specialty), Max 8
  • Can use Reflexive Charms without need to Combo them
  • First Excellency adds 2 dice per 1 mote spent
  • Second Excellency adds 1 success per 1 motes
  • Terrestrial (Ability) Reinforcement: raise other's ability for the rest of the scene
  • Has Cooperative Effects, Dragon-Blooded using charms in conjunction with each other gain greater effects.
  • Sorcery Access: Terrestrial Circle
  • Necromancy Access: Shadowland Circle
  • One of a thousand or so Dragon-Blooded have oddity of blood, probably result of mixing bloodlines with Ghost-Blooded, and these can learn Shadowland Necromancy but not Terrestrial Sorcery.  The reverse is true as well.  Normal Dragon-Blooded cannot learn Necromancy at all.


  • Dice Cap is Essence, Max 5
  • Their Excellencies can keep buy off penalties without counting towards the cap.  E.g. they can add 5 dice to their dice pool, or 8 dice if the dice pool is suffering a –3 penalty.
  • First and Second Excellency is same bonuses and cost as Solar Version
  • Third Excellency is 3 motes
  • Fateful (Ability) Excellency - Essence Auspicious: Lower Difficulty values for the roll.  For 4m 1wp turn every dice in the dice pool into automatic success (if defending double DV)
  • Propitious(Ability) Alignment: Same as Infinite Mastery, but can only have 1 active at any time.  Each dot in the astrological college of the alignment lowers the cost by 1.  Min of 1
  • Can use Astrological College
  • Sorcery Access: Celestial Circle
  • Necromancy Access: Shadowland Circle



  • Dice Cap is Attributes and not Abilities, Max 6 (With Legendary Attribute Merit)
    • [My Modifications] With the Modification that all applicable Specialties now raise Caps, the Max cap for Lunars, with the correct Attribute Specialty, are now 9
  • A few Charms specifically allow Attribute + Essence (maximum 11)
    • [My Modifications] With the Modification that all applicable Specialties now raise Caps, the Max cap for Lunars, with the correct Attribute Specialty, are now 14
  • First and Second Excellency is same bonuses and cost as Solar Version
  • 3rd Excellency is 4 motes
  • Instinctive (Attribute) Unity: Same effect as Solar’s Infinite Mastery
  • Flawless (Attribute) Focus: Allow the purchasing of Attribute Specialties for that attribute.  Similarly since Attributes are much broader than Abilities, so does their specialty.  Attribute Specialties share the same cap as ability specialties, any combination there of cannot exceed +3.
  • Can use Shape-shifting Knacks
  • Sorcery Access: Celestial Circle
  • Necromancy Access: Shadowland Circle



  • Dice Cap is Attribute + Ability, Max is 12 (with House Ruled Prodigy and Legendary Attribute Merits)
    • [My Modifications] With the Modification that all applicable Specialties now raise Caps, the Max cap for Solars, with the correct Specialty, are now 15
  • Cheapest Perfect and readily available prefect charms
  • Infinite (Ability) Mastery: lower the cost of invoking 1st, 2nd and 3rd Excellencies by 1 mote for every 2 motes committed.  Min cost is 0.
  • (Ability) Essence Flow: allow invoking of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Excellencies as natural abilities, thus no need to combo, but their costs cannot be discounted either.
  • Sorcery Access: Solar Circle
  • Necromancy Access: Labyrinth Circle



    • Dice Cap is Attribute + Ability, Max is 12 (with House Ruled Prodigy and Legendary Attribute Merits)
      • [My Modifications] With the Modification that all applicable Specialties now raise Caps, the Max cap for Abyssals, with the correct Attribute Specialty, are now 15
    • Masters of Killing
    • Treat mirror charms’ "mortals" as including deceased (ghosts, etc.)
    • Abyssal Charms that mentally or socially affect "living mortals" also affects ghosts.  Charms that affect "animals" also affect Ghost Animals and Plasmic Entities.  Need specialized charms to affect undeads with no minds.
    • Mostly mirrors of Solar Charms.  The potent ones are generally cheaper, but has the surcharge of 1wp when used outside of Shadowlands or the Underworld.
    • Excellencies are generally the same
    • Ravening Mouth of (Ability) - Reflexive: One version for Archery, Melee, Thrown, Martial Arts.  regains 1 mote for every level of damage dealt to sentient being (Subjected to cannot gain more than 20m per action rule).  Including indirect damage (such as health level paid by the target to activate defensive charms) but not ongoing damage such as poison.
    • Sorcery Access: Celestial Circle
    • Necromancy Access: Void Circle



      • Looks too complicated, didn’t bother trying to understand it enough to summarize
      • Pretty sure their dice cap is the same as Solars
        • See “Solar” section for actual numbers
      • Sorcery Access: Solar Circle  (Speculation)
      • Necromancy Access: Labyrinth Circle (Speculation)



        • Dice Pool are equal to Attribute, Max  6 (With Legendary Merit) but can go as high as 9 with 3 installation of Fourth (Attribute) Augmentation Charm
        • Charms are Equipment, and each Alchemical have General and Dedicated Slots.
          • General Slots hold any charm, Starts with 4
          • Dedicated Slots hold only Caste and Favorite Attribute Charms, Starts with 4
        • Being Equipment Charms can be modified with "Submodules" which are like Permanent Charms that alter other Charms but without requiring a slot of their own – since they are modifications to existing charms.
        • Combos are charms combined into new gear called Arrays
        • Has the broadest ability to combine charms into combos - as long as they have the right keyword (combo-basic, simple, etc.), follow Combo Rules (Simple only goes with reflexive, etc.), and can supplement the action.  They are not strictly segregated by Ability or Attribute like other Exalts.
        • Their Combo Arrays provides access to any and all legal combos of the combination of Charms in the Array
        • Cheaper to Add Charms to existing Combos
        • Some of their Duration Charms have no commitment costs
        • Excellencies are called Augmentation for Alchemicals
        • First and Second Augmentation is the same cost and effect as Solar Versions
        • Third Excellency is 3m in Healthy Autochthonia, 5m everywhere else.
        • Fourth (Attribute) Augmentation - Essence Integrated: 1m commitment (for 1st Charm, it is a permanent charm)  Can install up to Essence/2 Rounded up times per attribute.  Each time adds 1 to that attribute, considered natural additions - including raising the cap for charms.  Always Obvious.
        • Fifth (Attribute) Augmentation - Scene long Attribute adder.  3m, gain a +1 bonus to that attribute for the scene, count as bonus dice from charms.  1 wp surcharge the first time it is activated in a scene.
          • Submodule: Unbound Essence Booster (Essence 5, 1xp) changes it to 3m/+1.
        • Sixth (Attribute) Augmentation - Permanent (1m), Purchased for a particular Attribute+Ability Rating.  Ability (outside of the purpose for valid actions) are considered at its maximum rating.  E.g. If purchased for Strength + Martial Arts, Martial Arts will be considered 5.  If his Essence is raised to 7 (and thus his max natural rating is now 7) MA will be treated as 7.  Valid actions are things like minimum requirement to learn a charm, etc.
        • Transpuissant (Attribute) Upgrade - Purchased for an Attribute.  When activated it turns any specialty bonus into automatic successes.  if used for attack, it also convert post soak dice of equal amount into automatic successes against creatures of the void.  If it is used for mental influences it provides double the normal bonus (+3 becomes +6) as a bonus Axiomatic effect.
          • Submodule: Machine Logic Subroutine (Essence 4):  When performing an action in relations to high-Clarity (their "Great Curse") stunt dice are converted to successes as well.  Gain 1 point of Clarity.
        • Clockwork (Attribute) Perfection Nodes - forgo a roll to simply get the total dice pool/2 rounded up as successes for the action.  Can still roll if he wants, and just use the higher of 2 results.  Apply this effect after all modifiers to dice pool are applied.
          • Submodule: Metaconductive Circuitry (Essence 4): Spend 5m 1wp, add Essence as automatic successes to the converted result.  Cannot raise successes higher than the total dice pool.
        • Sorcery Access: Celestial Circle
        • Necromancy Access: Labyrinth Circle
        • Can use Man-Machine Protocol (Sort of Sorcery more powerful than Terrestrial Spells but less powerful than Celestial Spells)


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